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Die coolsten VW Bullis der Welt
Welcher ist dein Favorit? Danke an das kotzende Einhorn Das ist doch was für @das_kfmwhttp://t.co/qPzdPWhSQw — Kotzendes Einhorn (@kotzend_einhorn) July 14, 2015 Quelle: T1 Surf Stretch Limo | Die 12 coolsten VW Bullis der Welt – Mpora Action Sports Network
Raspberry Pi Home Automation
Raspberry Pi Home Automation Config sudo apt-get install git-core sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade raspi-config hostname ssh enable GPIO over network update crontab or rc.d Check sudo crontab -e for demons to be started. * I removed them and added them to /etc/init.d/ * init.d vs. cron * rc2.d is the user level stuff…