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Ansteckung bei COVID und was man besser nicht tun sollte! Du Arsch!
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Die Angst vorm 10er – Faszinierendes Video von Leuten, die das erste Mal vom 10er springen
In this documentary short titled Ten Meter Tower, Swedish filmmakers Maximilien Van Aertryck and Axel Danielson paid 67 people $30 to climb to the top of a ten meter (33 foot) high dive for the very first time all while being filmed. Would they decide to jump? Would they be too scared? The resulting Quelle:…
Artist Charles Young’s Growing Metropolis of 635 Paper Structures
Last year we were thrilled to discover this little paper world constructed by artist Charles Young who conceived of the idea as a 365-day creative project to explore different architectural forms through paper, every single day for a year. Except… it turns out he never stopped. The tiny paper metr Quelle: Artist Charles Young’s Growing…