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Star Wars inspiriert Splash Wars (NSFW)
Kata macht ja auch sowas und das hier könnte sogar von ihr sein: Behold, Princess Leia wearing milk. You can find the rest of photographer Manu Cabanero’s „Splash Wars“ series here, but be forewarned the rest are NSFW. (via This Isn’t Happiness) Quelle: Star Wars inspires Splash Wars
9 Squares: Kollaboratives GIF Projekt
Top: David Stanfield, Al Boardman, Brent Clouse; Middle: Skip Hursh, Erica Gorochow, John Flores; Bottom: Austin Saylor, Adam Plouff, Bran Dougherty-Johnson Top: David Stanfield, Allen Laseter, Jimmy Simpson; Middle: Skip Hursh, Al Boardman, Jeff Briant; Bottom: Marcus Chaloner, Erik Blad, Quelle: 9 Squares: A Collaborative GIF Project for Nine Designers Using Four Colors in Three Seconds…