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Eine Milliarde Klicks: bisher 17 Mal geschafft
Na dann. Glückwunsch. Der „Gangnam Style“ von Psy war lange Rekordhalter bei Youtube. Im Jahr 2012 brauchte das Video nur 158 Tage, um eine Milliarde Klicks zu bekommen. Nun hat Adele den Rapper Psy übertrumpft. Quelle: Eine Milliarde Klicks: Adele knackt YouTube-Rekord | heise online

The Guggenheim Museum Shares Over 200 Free Art Books Through the Internet Archive | Colossal
Over the last few years, the Guggenheim Museum has slowly released an impressive library of modern and historic art books in collaboration with the Internet Archive. The rare and out-of-print titles include books about Pablo Picasso, Roy Lichtenstein, Paul Klee, Jenny Holzer, Joseph Cornell, as well Many of the books first books appeared online in…