Ähnliche Beiträge
Surreale Architektur: Russische Bushaltestellen
Unsere hier in Berlin sehen ja eher so la la aus. Drüben im Sozialismus hat man noch richtige Prunkbauten hingestellt, damals. Ok, über Geschmack lässt sich streiten aber zum Warten schon schick. Standing stark against silent desert backdrops like sculptures made for Burning Man, these leftover Soviet structures are actually bus stops scattered throughout one…
Geheime Räume in Gullis
In this new series of outdoor installations artist Briancoshock has turned abandoned manhole covers on the streets of Milan into cramped miniature rooms complete with hanging artwork, kitchen utencils, and tiled walls. Titled Borderlife, the artist says the admittedly humorous pieces are Quelle: Secret Rooms Installed Inside Abandoned Manhole Covers on the Streets of Milan…