Werbungs-Dubstep: Weetabix Chocalate Dubstep Mainstream Mucke
Finally Dubstep is mainstream and so people stop listening to it soon and will return to good old Drum and Bass.
Krasses Experiement. Contrary to public perception, the Mediterranean remains the deadliest border in the world even in 2019: one in 10 people dies attempting to flee across the central Mediterranean. Would that also be the case if the shipwrecked people were white Germans? Sea-Watch is a non-profit sea rescue organization that has been involved in…
Aram Bartholl zeigt auf dem 31C3 wie man auf verschiedene Arten Festplatten zerstören kann. Besonders lustig, dass man mechanische Geräte für 4-stellige Beträge kaufen kann… Aram Bartholl: »Hard Drive Punch« – YouTube.