Ähnliche Beiträge
Dokumentation über große Fahrräder (tall bikes)
Groß. Im wahrsten Sinne. Im Englischen einfach das ‚Tall Bike‘. Hier wohl eher das Hochrad. Egal. Witziges Hobby allemal. Part film trailer, part home video, part testament to the power of unbridled creativity, this extended teaser gives us a glimpse into the unusual life of the Zenga Bros and their obsession with absurdly tall bicycles. Born and raised in Vancouver,…
Beindruckende Aufnahmen des Merkur-Transits
About 13 times per century, the planets align in the heavens and the Earth can watch Mercury crossing the face of the Sun. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory was watching too and captured time lapse videos from several Quelle: Epic time lapse videos of Mercury’s transit of the Sun